Vice Principal

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Vice Principal Dear Parents,
“A school is a place entangling learning and joy, combining knowledge and lessons of life for an enriched tomorrow...” An education of the highest quality is the greatest gift that parents can give to their children. The next global generation will need exceptional academic and intellectual creativity to take on positions of leadership and address the many challenges that face our world. Given this, it is vitally important that the leading schools in the 21st Century provide a genuinely holistic education to prepare learners for the responsibilities they will face in their lives. The curriculum at Manas Valley Academy is tailored to meet the needs of today’s learners and is sensitive to different learning styles. A plethora of academic and co-curricular activities offer the opportunity to all students to discover various facets of their personalities. At Manas Valley Academy, we believe that children need not always be taught to do things; instead, they should be encouraged to explore, discover and learn by reflection, under the caring guidance of teachers. We are pledged to fulfill the expectations of our parent community and set a benchmark that is unparalleled in the field of quality education.

Bikash Singh
M.Sc. (IT), B.Ed., PGDEMA
Vice Principal

Vice Principal Greetings to all,

It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you to the new academic session. The past academic year, 2020-21 was a challenging time for students, teachers and parents. Though our students missed face to face interaction with their teachers, the school saw to it that there is no loss in their teaching learning process. In the beginning, the teachers started online classes using whatever knowledge of technology they had and towards the end they have mastered this art of conducting online classes. The teachers started adapting the new normal by conducting the online classes whereas the students started adapting the new normal by learning virtually through online classes.

Our next academic year’s theme will be resilience. We all will endeavour to strengthen this quality in us along with caring for our emotional health as well. The school assures a safer and healthy learning environment inside the campus. Let’s accept the change and challenges coming on our way with a smile on our face and faith in our hearts.

Ashim Das
M.A., B.Ed.
Vice Principal