1. Any parent who wants to seek Transfer Certificate for their child studying in MVA, need to apply in person to the Principal in writing.
2. TC application will not be accepted over telephone, WhatsApp message or sending any third party or relatives with a request.
3. All the outstanding fee for the ongoing session has to be cleared before issuance of Transfer Certificate.
4. Tuition fee for the entire session has to be cleared even if the TC has been applied in the mid-session.
5. After receiving the TC application, minimum two working days will be required to process the application and to make the TC ready to be issued. (After account clearance)
6. Once the TC has been issued, the same student if approaches for rejoining the school, such students will be considered as a fresh/new student and all the fees of new admission has to be paid by the parents.
7. TC processing fee Rs. 200.00 will be charged for issuing Transfer Certificate.