Principal’s Message

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Principal Having expressed my joy and pride as a member of the M.V.A. family, I would like to greet every pupil who aspires to enter this family. The family welcomes every aspirant into the greater world of learning in every aspect of life which is not meant only for reading, memorizing, writing, gathering certificates and earning money, but building a strong personality full of honesty, sincerity and dedication.

What our nation and greater human society require today is a GENERATION well-educated with sense of morality, patriotism and humanism. The M.V.A. is looking for young kids in order to create that GENERATION which will do away with cancer like evils that are ruining the health of our society and cultural heritage of the nation.

Come, be a member of the M.V.A. family and build the GENERATION our nation looking for.

Mr. Sanjeet Mudoi
Manas Valley Academy