Vision & Mission

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“Teaching and learning with people you know and understand allows magic to happen.”

Our vision is to transform children from all backgrounds into educated adult, inspire them to be just and ethical citizens who will be wise and principled leaders to serve a meritocratic India. We do this by attracting and developing exceptional students and teachers. We also aim to be the most exciting place in India for educators to work together and a centre for excellence in professional development for teaching and mentoring. We look outwards and see what we can learn from others in the field of education and training and we invite others to share and participate in what we do. On the surface, every child entering the school might appear similar, but our focus is on identifying and nurturing the uniqueness of every individual, on seeking out their constituent colours. Students are encouraged to discover their strengths, talents, interests and passion – all the elements that come together to define their individuality. Every child will leave Manas Valley Academy having explored the various facets of his/her inner potential to the fullest.

The quality of the learning that takes place in a school depends very much on the quality of the relationships that exist between the teachers and the students in their care. In terms of teaching innovations, we are focusing on two things: doing the basics well and creating teaching and learning spaces that meet the needs of our curriculum. Doing the basics well means that we, as a whole staff, look at some of the things that educational research has found over the last 5-10 years that is valid in the Indian fully residential context and we learn to incorporate it in our planning, teaching, and assessment. This implies regularly updating our pedagogical frameworks to apply best-practices in education from across the globe.